Preventative Maintenance Plans For Toronto Homes and Businesses
In greater Toronto and the surrounding area, our average temperature in January is -7°C (19.4°F), and we know to expect much lower on a regular basis. The heating system runs for more than half the year or approximately 2600 hours. July averages 27.2°C (81°F), and an efficient cooling system becomes the priority. In other words, demands on the home’s heating and air conditioning equipment are significant.
You can’t expect reliable operation without proper care of the HVAC equipment. Not only can all sorts of things go wrong during operation but even sitting idle can be a threat to performance. Along with the consequences of wear and tear, there’s the buildup of dust and other contaminants to worry about. Restricted airflow diminishes comfort and efficiency, pollutes breathing air, and increases the chance of malfunction, failure, and safety concerns.
Pre-season maintenance can help you avoid a system failure on the hottest or coldest day of the year. It also helps you avoid a frantic search for someone who can repair or replace your broken system.
You should plan your maintenance early. We start booking cooling maintenance in late March and early April, and heating maintenance in late August and early September.
Maintenance Plans from Belyea Heating & Cooling In greater Toronto and the surrounding area
Our maintenance plans are designed to keep you on a regular maintenance schedule so that your equipment is checked at the beginning of each season. Maintenance plans run annually and can be paid once a year, or billed monthly on your Enbridge bill.
- Includes your annual maintenance for the specific equipment on plan
- A discounted rate for repairs
- Reduced rate diagnostic charges if you require an after-hours call
- Priority over non-plan clients
- A checklist of items for your service records
Belyea Service Plan Agreement
Belyea Service Plan Brochure
Belyea Service Plan Terms and Conditions
Click on the checklist below to get some useful information that will help you have a better understanding of the information we need to provide you with a better service experience.
Our service technicians go through a full maintenance checklist for your equipment to ensure good operation and optimum efficiency. A copy of this checklist is left with the homeowner for their own records, and the Service Department also maintains records for our clients.
Is it Time to Replace Your Heating and Cooling Equipment?
Would you drive your car until the wheels fell off, or the engine seized?
The majority of homeowners wait until their mechanical equipment is completely beyond repair before entertaining the idea of replacing a system. While we do not suggest replacing equipment prematurely, unless there is a very good reason to do so, we do encourage people to be sensible about planning their purchases.
Often when equipment breaks for good it is in the middle of the winter (or heatwave), and chances are you will be waiting a while to get a replacement unit. You may also not have estimates for replacing your equipment and are starting the process from scratch.
Be proactive. Replace your heating equipment in the late summer rather than when it starts to get cold and start thinking about replacing that air conditioner in March – not July!
The answer is convenient, affordable, and only a phone call away. Reach out to the professionals from Belyea Bros. Heating, Cooling & Electrical at (416) 425-1200 for the upkeep of all makes, styles, and models of heating and cooling systems. We’ve designed our maintenance plans to defend against local weather and ensure timely troubleshooting of your equipment. Our extensive experience makes us a valuable asset, and we provide service anywhere across Toronto, ON.